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Title: Reasons for Female Circumcision among Some Ethnic Groups in Bendel State, Nigeria
Authors: OMORODION, Francisca Isi
MYERS, Robert A
Keywords: Abuja emirate
Ethnic diversity
Sokoto jihad
Technological development
Occupational groupings
Dependent relations
Issue Date: Feb-1989
Publisher: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 9
Issue: 4
Start page: 197
End page: 207
Abstract: This paper is concerned with aspects of the history of Abuja in the Central Nigerian region -- an area designated as the new Federal capital of Nigeria. We examine some aspects of inter-group relations and then reflect on technological and economic development in the area. In the course of discussion, we reflect on aspects of iron technology, textile, leather processing and pottery and comment on issues related to trade in the region.
DOI: 10.14989/68044
Appears in Collections:Vol.9 No.4

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