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Title: Hunting Pressure on Chimpanzees and Gorillas in the Motaba River Area, Northeastern Congo
Authors: KANO, Takayoshi
Keywords: Central chimpanzee
Western lowland gorilla
Hunting pressure
Issue Date: Nov-1994
Publisher: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 15
Issue: 3
Start page: 143
End page: 162
Abstract: An extensive survey was conducted in the Motaba River Area in northeastern Congo. It was based on interviews and line transect surveys. The following results were obtained: (1) Both chimpanzees and gorillas occur throughout this area. (2) The densities of both species decrease from the upper toward the lower streams, and also from inland forests to villages. (3) Overall densities are estimated at 0.3 chimpanzees per km2 and 0.2 gorillas per km2 . (4) Hunting of apes for meat occurs in every part of the area. Most resident people are willing to ear ape meat, and about half of them have a chance to eat it in a year. (5) Hunting pressures on apes are estimated at 0.020 chimpanzees and 0.010 gorillas per km2 per year. These results strongly suggest that the survival of both species is seriously threatened by local hunting. The threat is expected to increase with human population growth and with forthcoming forest exploitation in northeastern Congo.
DOI: 10.14989/68121
Appears in Collections:Vol.15 No.3

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