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Title: Variability in the Subsistence Activities and Distribution of Food among Different Aged Males of the Aka Hunter-Gatheres in Northeastern Congo
Authors: KITANISHI, Koichi
Keywords: Akra hunter-gatherers
Age difference
Social cohesion
Issue Date: Jun-1996
Publisher: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 17
Issue: 1
Start page: 35
End page: 57
Abstract: Among the hunter-gatherers of Africa, the disparity in the individual catch of large animals is well known. This disparity is, generally, attributed to the individual hunting skill or chance, Although the yields from hunting and honey collecting by the Aka hunter-gatherers in northeastern Congo also show considerable disparity, these differences are partly due to economic and social factors. One such factors is age, on which this paper is focused. Based on the quantitative data obtained in a 14-months field study, I analyzed the differences in the amount of meat and honey acquired by each age group and the distribution of meat and honey between the age groups. The data showed that the interdependence among different age groups was created through the distribution. This interdependence through mutual distribution performs the important role of maintaining the cohesion of the camp members.
DOI: 10.14989/68141
Appears in Collections:Vol.17 No.1

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