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Title: The Importance of Frame Participation in Rehabilitating Regarded Uluguru Mountain Slopes: The Experiences from Magadu and Towero Villages in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Authors: RUTATORA, D. F.
MAFU, S. T. A.
Keywords: Farmer Participation
Uluguru mountain slopes
Environmental degradation
Land management
Intermultidisciplinary approach
Issue Date: Oct-1996
Publisher: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 17
Issue: 3
Start page: 117
End page: 128
Abstract: The land of the Uluguru mountain slopes located above the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) main campus is characterized by degraded poor soils with deep gullies endangering the University infrastructures and the lives of the local people. To curb further damage to the environment, SUA initiated the Uluguru Mountain Integrated Soil Conservation Project (UMISCP). Farmers from two villages were involved from the beginning in carrying out rehabilitation and land management activities. Through participation, farmers identified themselves with the project and were able to determine and implement the strategies deemed relevant for rehabilitating the degraded areas. The strategies which were used to involve farmers and the achievements attained due to farmer participation in the project are described in this article. Authors are of the opinion that some of the experiences encountered could provide lessons to similar development oriented projects.
DOI: 10.14989/68148
Appears in Collections:Vol.17 No.3

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