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Title: Archaeology and the Study of Early Urban Centres in Nigeria
Authors: OKPOKO, A. Ikechukwu
Keywords: Urbanization
Geographical information
Historical survey (oral and written)
Archaeological data
Issue Date: May-1998
Publisher: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Start page: 35
End page: 54
Abstract: This paper describes the various relief, drainage and land use systems and vegetation types present in Nigeria to highlight possible contributions of ecological factors in the evolution of urbanism in Nigeria. The paper also reviews the few historical and archaeological data available on early urbanisation in this region; thirdly, it discusses the problems of urban archaeological research in the sub-region and the role of such factors as ecology, centralized or quasi-centralized authority and interregional trade in the development of urbanism in Nigeria.
Rights: 未許諾のため本文はありません
Appears in Collections:Vol.19 No.1

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