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Title: Classification of the Languages of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea on the Basis of Lexicostatistics and Mutual Intelligibility
Authors: Chumbow, S. Beban
Atindogbe, Gratien G.
Domche, Engelbert
Bot, Dieudonne Martin Luther
Keywords: Cameroon
Equatorial Guinea
Genetic relation
mutual intelligibility.
Issue Date: Dec-2007
Publisher: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 28
Issue: 4
Start page: 181
End page: 204
Abstract: This work clusters genetically related speech forms in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, and determines to which speech forms within these clusters are sufficiently and mutually intelligible to be grouped together in order to ease harmonization and standardization. The analysis of the linguistic situation in the two countries revealed that while clustering the speech forms on the basis of genetic relations via lexicostatistics has been quite fruitful, clustering on the basis of mutual intelligibility of at least 85% does not seem to significantly reduce the number of speech forms. Intelligibility surveys and testing have not been carried out in many of the clusters. However, it is important to continue the exercise in order to ascertain the exact situation.
DOI: 10.14989/68263
Appears in Collections:Vol.28 No.4

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