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タイトル: A Market on Boundary: The Economic Activities of the Pokot and the Marakwet in Kenya
著者: KURITA, Kazuki
発行日: Mar-1982
出版者: The Research Committee for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
誌名: African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue.
巻: 1
開始ページ: 71
終了ページ: 103
抄録: The market activities of three peoples--the Pastoral Pokot, the Agricultural Pokot, and the Marakwet--were observed at Chesegon Village, western Kenya. This village is located on the territorial boundary of the Pokot and the Marakwet, and sandwiched between mountains and dry plains. This location allows easy exchange of each people's particular products, because producers need only transport their goods short distances. It is not food staples but rather supplementary food, meat and handicrafts that characterize the market. There is comparatively little external trade. The market is also significant as a place to obtain cash and to exchange information. I present the background of their market activities (the natural environment, modes of livelihood, intertribal relations, etc.), the market activities in relation to material culture and to the family budget, economic activities outside the monetary spheres, and discuss characteristics of the economic activities around Chesegon, the function of the market and shops, and the location of the market.
DOI: 10.14989/68304
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/68304
出現コレクション:1 (A Comparative Study of Ecological Anthropology in Tropical Africa)


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