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タイトル: Fossil Crocodilians from the Late Tertiary Strata in the Sinda Basin, Eastern Zaire
著者: AOKI, Riosuke
キーワード: Tertiary
発行日: Jul-1992
出版者: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
誌名: African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue.
巻: 17
開始ページ: 67
終了ページ: 85
抄録: At least five crocodilian taxa could be recognized form the fragmental fossils obtained form the late Miocene to early Pliocene sediments of the Sinda basin, Haut-Zaire, Zaire. The first fossil record of Osteolaemus, the genus of extant dwarf crocodile, is evidenced by the two mandibular fragments. These fossil specimens are much larger than both extant species, but their mandibular morphology is more resembles that of the Central African species, O. osborni, rather than that of the West African species, O. tetraspis. Some other fossils could be identified as the remains of Crocodylus (Crocodile), Mecistops (african Long-nosed Crocodile or Senegal Gavial), Euthecodon (highly longirostral fossil form) and a highly longirostral form that lacks the remark of Euthecodon.
著作権等: 未許諾のため本文はありません
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/68362
出現コレクション:17 (Study of the Tertiary hominoids and Their Palaeoenvironments in East Africa: 4)


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