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タイトル: Generation and Transaction Processes in the Spirit Ritual of the Baka Pygmies in Southeast Cameroon
著者: TSURU, Daisaku
キーワード: Intra-cultural diversity
Transaction and generation of spirit rituals
発行日: Mar-2001
出版者: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
誌名: African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue.
巻: 27
開始ページ: 103
終了ページ: 123
抄録: This paper focuses on the diversification process and the social-cultural background of spirit rituals among the Baka of southeastern Cameroon. Among the Baka, spirit rituals differ between the various subgroups. This diversity is a product of two processes: Firstly, existing spirit rituals are transacted with other subgroups. Secondly, new spirit rituals are continually generated in the process of founding rituals. In both processes the role of individual social actors is important. Among the Baka, rituals belong to individual persons called "father of the spirit." They transact and even found new rituals for their own subgroup and this promotes the intra-cultural diversity of spirit rituals as a whole. Spirit rituals are based on the concept of spirit guardianship, which is an exclusive relationship between an individual and particular spirit. This individual involvement in rituals introduces innovation and changes to ritual practices and its form. A process of diversification is therefore inevitable. However, a relatively homogenous concept of the identity of spirits is maintained despite a strong tendency for spirit rituals to diversify. Individualism is generally stressed by the nomadic social structure of the Baka because the mobility of individuals is high and permanent communal social identities are never established. The fluidity of the social system and that of the religious system have an interdependent relationship which is mediated by the specific individualism of Baka society.
DOI: 10.14989/68415
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/68415
出現コレクション:27 (Symbolic Categories and Ritual Practice in Hunter-Gatherer Experiences)


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