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タイトル: 降水量にみられる長期的変動について
著者: 角屋, 睦  KAKEN_name
小池, 達男  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KADOYA, Mutsumi
KOIKE, Tatsuo
発行日: 1-Mar-1965
出版者: 京都大学防災研究所
誌名: 京都大学防災研究所年報
巻: 8
開始ページ: 307
終了ページ: 315
抄録: The outlines of periodic variations, in this paper, in the time series of annual sum andannual maximum of daily amounts of precipitation St 19 gauging stations in Japan were describ-ed from a view-point of engineering. It was found that the variations of T ~鯖0 and T ~・9in years, which were separated from these series by the helps of periodogram analysis and over-lapping moving average have the following characteristics:For the annual sum : (1) The trends of periodic variations of T~・19 are similar to oneanother, generally, and of T-45-60 are remarkable except Hokkaido. (2) Considering thetrends of variations of I0週<18 the several regions, in which the trends are similar, areclassified in Japan.For the annual maximum: (1) The variations of T.・9 seem to be no-significant in thesense of statistics and negligible in the sense of engineering in most of locations. (2) Thetrends of the variations of I 0週粛 8 are not always similar even in a region.It was concluded from the above results that the long-periodic variations in the hydrologicamounts of short duration are almost negligible from a viex~-point of engineering and seemto be much stochastic, although the ones for long duration have similar trends to one anotherin a region and or generally. The detailed method of application of these results to waterwoska were suspended in this paper, because the several problems to be discussed has, , beenremained unsolved.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/69218
関連リンク: http://www.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/nenpo/nenpo.html


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