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タイトル: 芳香族三塩化アンチモン錯化物 (第1報)
その他のタイトル: On Aromatic Antimony Trichloride Complex. (I)
著者: 友野, 元  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Tomono, Hajime
発行日: 30-Jun-1950
出版者: 京都大学化学研究所
誌名: 京都大学化学研究所報告
巻: 21
開始ページ: 41
終了ページ: 46
抄録: When acidic solution of benzene diazonium chloride was treated with hydrochloric acid solution of antimony trichloride, a complex compounds-benzendiazonium tetrachlorantimonite was obtained as a crystal. The chemical properties of this substance were studied. In water solution it mainly decomposed to phenol with a small amount of biphenyl, but in alkaline solution the chief decomposition procuct was found to be phenylstibonic acid, and in gaseous product hydrogen was acertained. The dried substance was comparatively stable and soluble in methanol and its methanol solution decomposed at 45℃, to chlorobenzene, but in the presence of Cu2Cl2 or Cu prwder, phenylstibonic acids predominated. The behavior of the substance in another organic solvents will be described in the second report.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/74113


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