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タイトル: アルミニュームの壓延並びに燒鈍
その他のタイトル: Rolling and Annealing of Aluminium
著者: 小山, 昌重  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Koyama, Masashige
発行日: 30-Mar-1952
出版者: 京都大学化学研究所
誌名: 京都大学化学研究所報告
巻: 28
開始ページ: 41
終了ページ: 46
抄録: The inner structure of metals and alloys in the pulverized or rolled state, especially of those, iron, nickel, copper and brass has been examined with X-rays in our laboratory (formerly: The Hirata Laboratory). In the present work, the relationship between the reduction percentage and the hardness of the rolled aluminium plates as well as the variation of hardness with the annealing temperature, was studied. Furthermore, the fibre structure of several aluminium plates and the inner structural changes due to the annealing were also X-ray analysed. The specimens used in this experiment were prepared by rolling the polycrystal aluminium (99.99, 99.9 and 99% in purity) in various degrees, which had previously been annealed at 450°C for 4hrs. The X-ray examination was carried out by the Laue method, utilizing the heterogeneous X-rays emitted from Cu anticathode. The results thus obtained were discussed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/74417


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