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Title: Differential and Integral Cross Sections of the (p,a) and (d,a) Reactions on some Light Nuclei
Authors: Yanabu, Takuji
Yamashita, Sukeaki
Nakamura, Teruo
Takamatsu, Kunio
Masaike, Akira
Kakigi, Shigeru
Nguyen, Dai Ca
Takimoto, Kiyohiko
Author's alias: 柳父, 琢治
山下, 佐明
中村, 輝男
高松, 邦夫
政池, 明
柿木, 茂
ニュエン, ダイ・カ
滝本, 清彦
Issue Date: 25-Feb-1965
Publisher: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Journal title: Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Volume: 43
Issue: s
Start page: 41
End page: 67
Appears in Collections:Vol.43 No.s

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