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Title: Apatite- and Wollastonite-Containg Glass-Ceramics for Prosthetic Application
Authors: Kokubo, Tadashi
Shigematsu, Masazumi
Nagashima, Yukihito
Tashiro, Megumi
Nakamura, Takashi
Yamamuro, Takao
Higashi, Shoichiro
Author's alias: 小久保, 正
重松, 正純
長島, 廉仁
田代, 仁
中村, 孝志
山室, 隆夫
東, 正一郎
Issue Date: 15-Oct-1982
Publisher: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Journal title: Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Volume: 60
Issue: 3-4
Start page: 260
End page: 268
Appears in Collections:Vol.60 No.3-4

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