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Title: The Growth of α-Fe₂0₃ Particles by Transformation at 200℃ of Iron(III) Hydroxide in the Alkaline Media Containing Slight Amounts of Other Metal Ions
Authors: Kiyama, Masao
Kurata, Tokihiro
Nakamura, Tatuya
Takada, Toshio
Author's alias: 木山, 雅雄
蔵田, 節弘
中村, 龍哉
高田, 利夫
Issue Date: 28-Feb-1991
Publisher: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Journal title: Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Volume: 68
Issue: 5-6
Start page: 275
End page: 280
Appears in Collections:Vol.68 No.5-6

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