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タイトル: 総排泄腔症術後に外科用ステープル迷入により膀胱結石を認めた1例
その他のタイトル: Bladder Stones Caused by Spontaneous Migration of Surgical Staples after Cloacal Repair: A Case Report
著者: 佐々木, 豪  KAKEN_name
曽我, 倫久人  KAKEN_name
三木, 学  KAKEN_name
舛井, 覚  KAKEN_name
西川, 晃平  KAKEN_name
長谷川, 嘉弘  KAKEN_name
山田, 泰司  KAKEN_name
木瀬, 英明  KAKEN_name
有馬, 公伸  KAKEN_name
杉村, 芳樹  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sasaki, Takeshi
Soga, Norihito
Miki, Manabu
Masui, Satoru
Nishikawa, Kouhei
Hasegawa, Yoshihiro
Yamada, Yasushi
Kise, Hideaki
Arima, Kiminobu
Sugimura, Yoshiki
キーワード: Cloacal malformation
Bladder stone
Surgical staple
発行日: Jun-2009
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 55
号: 6
開始ページ: 349
終了ページ: 352
抄録: An 11-year-old female consulted our department with complaints of urinary incontinence and pyuria. She had had a cloacal repair 7 years ago. The radiograph showed four stones in the pelvis. Magnetic resonance imaging showed two diverticula next to the urethra and several low intensity masses in one diverticulum were regarded as stones. Voiding cystourethrography showed normal urinary bladder contraction, although there were residual urine in the diverticula. Preoperatively, these stones were thought to be formed as a result of the long-standing residual urine. Cystourethroscopy showed that the two diverticula existed within the proximal area of the urethral sphincter and four white stones were found in them. Transurethral cystolithotripsy was performed and a surgical staple was found in the core of each stone. The surgical staples had been used for the cloacal repair and they had migrated into the bladder resulted in stone formation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of bladder stones caused by the migrationof surgical staples into the bladder after cloacal repair.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2010-07-01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/79907
PubMed ID: 19588869
出現コレクション:Vol.55 No.6


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