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タイトル: P-adic analysis and zeta functions
著者: Monsky, Paul
発行日: 1970
出版者: Kinokuniya
誌名: Lectures in Mathematics
巻: 4
目次: Chapter 0 Introduction to Weil's conjectures
Chapter 1 Diagonal hypersurfaces
Chapter 2 Complete non-singular curves
Chapter 3 Ultra normed fields
Chapter 4 The zeta function is "meromorphic"
Chapter 5 Rationality of the zeta function
Chapter 6 p-adic Banach spaces
Chapter 7 Dwork's "Lefschetz fixed point theorem"
Chapter 8 Non-singular hypersurfaces
Chapter 9 Connections with cohomology theories
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/84909
出現コレクション:Lectures in Mathematics : Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University


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