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タイトル: Lectures on algebraic solutions of hypergeometric differential equations
著者: Matsuda, Michihiko
著者名の別形: 松田, 道彦
発行日: 1985
出版者: Kinokuniya
誌名: Lectures in Mathematics
巻: 15
目次: Chapter I. Schwarz' theorem.
§1. Kummer's table and Gauss' transformations [1]
§2. Reducibility and logarithmic singularity [7]
§3. Schwarz' table [13]
Chapter II. Landau's criterion.
§4. Eisenstein's theorem [20]
§5. Landau's first and second theorems [25]
§6. Rough estimation [33]
Note. Honda's theorem [42]
Chapter III. Klein's settling.
§7. Reduction through Kummer's equation [48]
§8. Explicit description of algebraic solutions [57]
Chapter IV. Landau-Errera's theorem.
§9. Errera's lemma [66]
§10. Two lemmata [74]
§11. Attainment of Schwarz' table [78]
Chapter V. Transcendental liouvillian solutions.
§12. Picard-Vessiot's theory [92]
§13. Liouville's lemma [96]
§14. Kuga's theorem [101]
Note. Bessel's equation [106]
Bibliography [110]
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/84920
出現コレクション:Lectures in Mathematics : Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University


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