


検索結果表示: 61-70 / 4238.
Edad por Huellas de Fision de las Piedras Pomes Incluidas en la Formacion Gigante, Norte de Neiva, Colombia
  TAKEMURA, Keiji; DANHARA, Toru (1983)
  Kyoto University overseas research reports of new world monkeys, 3: 17-18
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Fission-Track Age of Pumices Included in the Gigante Formation, North of Neiva, Colombia
  TAKEMURA, Keiji; DANHARA, Toru (1983)
  Kyoto University overseas research reports of new world monkeys, 3: 13-15
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Geology of the East Side Hills of the Rio Magdalena from Neiva to Villavieja, Colombia
  TAKEMURA, Keiji (1983)
  Kyoto University overseas research reports of new world monkeys, 3: 19-28
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The upper dentition of Stirtonia (Ceboidea, Primates) from the Miocene of Colombia, South America and the origin of the Postero-internal cusp of upper molars of howler monkeys (Alouatta).
  Setoguchi, Takeshi; Watanabe, Tsuyoshi; Mouri, Toshio (1981)
  Kyoto University overseas research reports of new world monkeys, 2: 51-60
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Cover, Contents, Preface
  Kyoto University overseas research reports of new world monkeys, 3
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神経生理研究部門(I 研究所の概要)
  時実, 利彦; 久保田, 競; 二木, 宏明; 松波, 謙一 (1973-03-01)
  霊長類研究所年報, 2: 4-4
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形態基礎研究部門(I 研究所の概要)
  近藤, 四郎; 岩本, 光雄; 岡田, 守彦; 渡辺, 毅 (1973-03-01)
  霊長類研究所年報, 2: 3-4
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分割脳アカゲザルによる反復弁別逆転学習の両眼間転移の研究(III 共同利用研究 2.研究成果)
  原, 一雄; 上野, 直子 (1974-03-01)
  霊長類研究所年報, 3: 43-44
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自然環境下におけるニホンザルのmounting行動の比較行動学的研究(III 共同利用研究 2.研究成果)
  水原, 洋城 (1974-03-01)
  霊長類研究所年報, 3: 39-40
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正常月経周期および妊娠時のホルモン動態 : ニホンザルの胎盤蛋白ホルモン(III 共同利用研究 2.研究成果)
  富永, 敏朗 (1974-03-01)
  霊長類研究所年報, 3: 45-45
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