



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 126.
Face scanning in chimpanzees and humans: continuity and discontinuity
  Kano, Fumihiro; Tomonaga, Masaki (2010-01)
  Animal Behaviour, 79(1): 227-235
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Amygdala activity in response to forward versus backward dynamic facial expressions.
  Sato, Wataru; Kochiyama, Takanori; Yoshikawa, Sakiko (2010-02-22)
  Brain research, 1315(C): 92-99
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Comparative Functional Morphology in Primates: An Introduction to the Special Issue
  Hamada, Yuzuru; Hirasaki, Eishi; Rae, Todd C. (2010-04)
  International Journal of Primatology, 31(2): 157-158
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Pacman in the sky with shadows: the effect of cast shadows on the perceptual completion of occluded figures by chimpanzees and humans.
  Tomonaga, Masaki; Imura, Tomoko (2010-07)
  Behavioral and brain functions : BBF, 6
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Human young children as well as adults demonstrate 'superior' rapid snake detection when typical striking posture is displayed by the snake.
  Masataka, Nobuo; Hayakawa, Sachiko; Kawai, Nobuyuki (2010-11)
  PloS one, 5(11)
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15 下北半島脇野沢における野生ニホンザルの個体群動態と保全のための諸問題
  松岡, 史朗; 中山, 裕理 (2010-09-21)
  霊長類研究所年報, 40: 139-139
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32 見ることと知ることの関係をチンパンジーとテナガザルはどのようにして理解するのか?
  井上, 陽一; 井上, 悦子 (2010-09-21)
  霊長類研究所年報, 40: 143-143
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19 食餌の嗜好性とその苦味・渋味成分との関連性について
  小嶋, 道之 (2010-09-21)
  霊長類研究所年報, 40: 140-140
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18 マカクザル視覚皮質V2野から, 外側頭頂間溝野への直接投射の解明
  中村, 浩幸 (2010-09-21)
  霊長類研究所年報, 40: 140-140
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24 下北半島のニホンザルにおけるアカンボウの採食行動
  谷口, 晴香 (2010-09-21)
  霊長類研究所年報, 40: 141-141
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