List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 41
Bibliography | Contents |
English Summary (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1)
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Editors' note USUKI, Akira; NISHIKIDA, Aiko (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 1-8
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Canaanites, Christians, and the Palestinian Agricultural Calendar QLEIBO, Ali (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 9-20
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Nakba in Narratives about Zionism RABKIN, Yakov M. (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 21-36
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> 60 Years after the Nakba: Hisotrical Truth, Collective Memory and Ethical Obligations MASALHA, Nur (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 37-88
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Zionism and the Nakba: The Mainstream Narrative, the Oppressed Narratives, and the Israeli Collective Memory MORI, Mariko (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 89-107
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Trauma and Public Memory in Central Asia: Public Responses to Political Violence of the State Politics in Stalinist Era in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan DADABAEV, Timur (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 108-138
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Nakba and Hibaku: Dialogue between Palestine and Hiroshima UNO, Masaki (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 139-150
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Hiroshima, al-Nakba: Markers of New Hegemonies SAYIGH, Rosemary (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 151-169
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Narrating and Listening to the Memories of Nakba in Kyoto: Dialogue between Palestine and East Asia OKA, Mari (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 170-175
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Haifa and its Refugees: The Remembered, the Forgotten and the Repressed HANAFI, Sari (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 176-191
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Origins of the Current Problems of Korean Residents in Japan MUN, Gyongsu (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 192-207
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Nationalism and Gender in the Comfort Women Issue YAMASHITA, Yeong-ae (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 208-219
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Palestinians from the "Seven Villages": Their Legal Status and Social Condition NISHIKIDA, Aiko (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 220-231
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> To Be or Not to Be an Arab: The Complex Identity of Arab Christians in Israel SUGASE, Akiko (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 232-236
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Turning the Restrained Social Problems into the Basis for the Inclusive Movements : A Study of the Influence of the Young Men's Muslim Associations Had in Palestine through their Charitable Activities in the Late 1920s TAMURA, Yukie (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 237-248
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> Depicting the Lives of Palestinians under the Israeli Occupation: The Case of East Jerusalem TOBINA, Hiromi (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 249-260
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<Special Feature "Nakba after Sixty Years: Memories and Histories in Palestine and East Asia"> The Russian Origins of Zionism: Interactions with the Empire as the Background of the Zionist World View TSURUMI, Taro (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 261-271
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<Interviews with the Precursors of Knowledge> The Interview with Professor Seyyed Hossein NASR NASR, Seyyed Hosein; KAHTERAN, Nevad (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 272-281
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<Articles> Epistemic Value of Emotions ZARVANI, Mojtaba (2009-07) イスラーム世界研究, 3(1): 282-292
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List Of Items (Sorted by table of contents in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 41