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タイトル: 華夷譯語丙種本『韃靼譯語』におけるモンゴル語について
その他のタイトル: Phonology of middle Mongolian in 'Da-da yi-yu'
著者: 越智, サユリ  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ochi, Sayuri
発行日: 24-Dec-2004
出版者: 京都大学大学院文学研究科言語学研究室
誌名: 京都大学言語学研究
巻: 23
開始ページ: 115
終了ページ: 144
抄録: This paper is concerned with the phones of middle Mongolian transcribed by Chinese characters in the glossary 『韃靼譯語(Da-da yi-yu)』. This text is the Mongolian part of the type 丙 of the glossaries 「華夷譯語(Hua-yi yi-yu)」 in which words of Chinese were contrasted with those of some foreign languages in Ming and Qing dynasties. 『韃靼譯語』was written for interpreters to study the Mongolian language. So it is expected that the phones of colloquial Mongolian were described more naturally in this text than in the other texts. In this paper, we reconstructed the phones of middle Mongolian in 『韃靼譯語』 and revealed the system of transcription using the phones of Chinese in 『重訂司馬温公等韻図経』 written in 1606. Consequently we found the following features peculiar to 『韃靼譯語』. (i) t, k, ɣ, l at the end of syllables are not transcribed frequently. (ii) ɣ preceded by l, r and ŋ is often transcribed by a Chinese consonant zero (影母). (iii) The phone ər of Chinese is used for the transcription of liquids. These features show that the author of 『韃靼譯語』 heard the phones of colloquial Mongolian and transcribed them naturally using the phones of his own Chinese, not artificially through written Mongolian.
DOI: 10.14989/87842
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/87842


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