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タイトル: 漢語對基諾語的影響 : 語法方面
その他のタイトル: Chinese Influence over Jino : grammatical borrowing
著者: 林, 範彦  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Hayashi, Norihiko
発行日: 24-Dec-2005
出版者: 京都大学大学院文学研究科言語学研究室
誌名: 京都大学言語学研究
巻: 24
開始ページ: 211
終了ページ: 220
抄録: Jino is a Lolo-Burmese language (Tibeto-Burman), spoken in Yunnan Province, China. The population of Jino is about 20, 000. Jino has two dialects : Youle and Buyuan. In this paper, I report the linguistic influence of Chinese on Youle dialect of Jino, mainly focusing on grammatical borrowings. Jino speakers, especially those who are below forty years of age, can speak two languages : Jino and Yunnan dialect of Chinese. Jino vocabulary has borrowed many Chinese and Daic (Tai Lü) loanwords. Also it has been seen that the grammar of Yunnan Chinese has been affecting that of Jino. The main conclusions are as follows : 1. The basic structure of Jino grammar has not yet been affected by Yunnan Chinese. However, there are word order problems in the peripheral grammatical structures (complex clauses, donkey sentences, classifiers, etc). 2. Word order problem which is considered as a kind of language contact phenomena in Achang and Tujia, seems to be similar to Jino.
DOI: 10.14989/87850
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/87850


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