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タイトル: 現代アラビア語の動詞"完了形"とその複合形の機能の違いについて
その他のタイトル: On functional differences between 'Perfect' and compound 'Perfect'
著者: 近藤, 智子  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kondo, Tomoko
発行日: 24-Dec-1995
出版者: 京都大学言語学研究会
誌名: 言語学研究
巻: 14
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 36
抄録: In Modern Standard Arabic, there are four forms which indicate past tense and perfective aspect-P(erfect), qad P, kâna P and kâna qad P. kâna is an auxiliary verb which refers to the past, and qad expresses emphasis or approximation of the past to the present. The compounding elements are used repeatedly in the order of [Modality-Tense-Aspect-Lexical Meaning]. Although overlap of meanings and of functions is found between these four forms on a clause level, their functional differences appear explicit on a text level. kâna P depicts before-past events, while kâna qad P refers to resultant states in the past as well as before-past events. To add kâna makes the compounds refer to before-past or past events more clearly than P does: they are used for events which are not presented in the same order as they occur in reality, or for preventing P of 1st or 2nd person from being interpreted not as past tense, but as present perfect, because of the deictic meaning of the person. In relative clauses, kâna is added under another condition. When a relative clause functions more restrictively, the P in the clause has only the aspectual meaning, and past tense should be expressed by adding kâna. As for P and qad P, both of them refer to past tense as well as present perfect tense in a clause, though qad P seems to express present perfect more clearly by itself than P does. However, the function of qad is not clarifying one, and it is concerned with textual functions. In texts, P depicts events sequentially, while qad P countersequentially, and the latter always needs presupposition, turns a previous viewpoint to another, and submits a new. but relevant tonic to the presupposition. The change of a viewpoint is expressed formally, for example, by a conjunction fa, or by a new paragraph, or by fixed constructions like Hâl and inna/anna clauses. This textual function includes the function of emphasis and present perfect. The distribution of qad P in clauses is biased, and the frequency in Hâl or topic-comment constructions is concerned with the textual function. As for the rare appearance in relative and time adverbial clauses, it is associated with grammatical constraints on a clause level, and qad functions as a subordinating marker.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/87995


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