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タイトル: Kaonic production of Λ(1405) off deuteron target in chiral
著者: Jido, Daisuke
Oset, E.
Sekihara, T.
著者名の別形: 慈道, 大介
キーワード: Structure of Λ(1405)
Kaon induced production of Λ(1405)
Chiral unitary model
発行日: Nov-2009
出版者: Springer Verlag
誌名: European Physical Journal A
巻: 42
号: 2
開始ページ: 257
終了ページ: 268
抄録: The K¯-induced production of Λ(1405) is investigated in K¯d → πΣn reactions based on coupled-channels chiral dynamics, in order to discuss the resonance position of the Λ(1405) in the K¯N channel. We find that the K¯d → Λ(1405)n process favors the production of Λ(1405) initiated by the K¯N channel. The present approach indicates that the Λ(1405)-resonance position is 1420MeV rather than 1405MeV in the πΣ invariant-mass spectra of K ¯d → πΣn reactions. This is consistent with an observed spectrum of the K¯d → π+Σ¯n with 686–844MeV/c incident K¯ by bubble chamber experiments done in the 70s. Our model also reproduces the measured Λ(1405) production cross-section.
著作権等: c Società Italiana di Fisica
Springer-Verlag 2009
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/89727
DOI(出版社版): 10.1140/epja/i2009-10875-5


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