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山形県産ベニクラゲ(ヒドロ虫綱, 花クラゲ目)の85年ぶりの発見と型の決定
  久保田, 信; 渡辺, 葉平; 奥泉, 和也 (2007-12-20)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 62: 73-75
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Postoperative mortality analysis on nationwide data from diagnosis procedure combination database in Japan
  Kunisawa, Susumu (2023-06)
  PLOS ONE, 18(6)
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博士論文「明治・大正時代の日本における数学の科学としての制度化」 : その成果と新たな問題提起 (数学史の研究)
  クマレ, ハラルド (2021-07)
  数理解析研究所講究録別冊, B85: 143-153
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  高橋, 康之 (1964-02)
  泌尿器科紀要, 10(2): 85-95
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日本産ヤワラクラゲ(刺胞動物門, ヒドロ虫綱, 軟クラゲ目)の生活史逆転
  久保田, 信 (2006-12-30)
  日本生物地理学会会報, 61: 85-88
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Bathocyroe longigula spec. nov., an undescribed ctenophore (Lobata: Bathocyroidae) from the epipelagic fauna of Japanese coastal waters
  Horita, T.; Akiyama, H.; Kubota, Shin (2011-11)
  Zoologische Mededelingen, 84: 877-886
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男性不妊の研究 第III篇: 精嚢腺X線像の観察
  山本, 治 (1963-09)
  泌尿器科紀要, 9(9): 481-499
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Association of maternal heavy metal exposure during pregnancy with isolated cleft lip and palate in offspring: Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS) cohort study
  Takeuchi, Masato; Yoshida, Satomi; Kawakami, Chihiro; Kawakami, Koji; Ito, Shuichi; Japan Environment and Children’s Study Group (2022-03)
  PLOS ONE, 17(3)
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三樹会病院における臨床統計(第6報) : 1986年度外来新患統計
  丹田, 均; 加藤, 修爾; 大西, 茂樹; 中嶋, 久雄; 毛利, 和富 (1987-10)
  泌尿器科紀要, 33(10): 1662-1668
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Estimation of CO2 sequestration by the forests in Japan by discriminating precise tree age category using remote sensing techniques
  Iizuka, Kotaro; Tateishi, Ryutaro (2015-11-11)
  Remote Sensing, 7(11): 15082-15113
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