



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 11.
The sensory setae morphology and behavior in the soldier caste of subterranean termite, Coptotermes spp. (Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae)
  Wikantyoso, Bramantyo (2023-03-23)
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  稲垣, 辰哉 (2020-03-23)
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Discovery of an underground chamber to protect kings and queens during winter in temperate termites
  Takata, Mamoru; Konishi, Takao; Nagai, Shuya; Wu, Yao; Nozaki, Tomonari; Tasaki, Eisuke; Matsuura, Kenji (2023-05-31)
  Scientific Reports, 13
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First Record of the Soil-feeding Higher Termites (Isoptera: Termitidae) from Okinawa Island, the Central Ryukyus, Japan
  Nozakil, Tomonari; Hojo, Masaru; Yashiro, Toshihisa; Matsuura, Kenji (2021-05-31)
  Sociobiology, 68(2)
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<書評>松田素二・フランシス・B・ニャムンジョ・太田 至編. 『アフリカ潜在力が世界を変える --オルタナティブな地球社会のために』京都大学学術出版会, 2022年, 452 p.
  阿部, 利洋 (2023-09-30)
  アジア・アフリカ地域研究, 23(7): 126-129
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Oocyte resorption in termite queens: Seasonal dynamics and controlling factors
  Nozaki, Tomonari; Matsuura, Kenji (2021-05)
  Journal of Insect Physiology, 131
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Damage on living trees and ecological characteristics of the Ryukyu drywood termite, Neotermes sugioi Yashiro in Okinawa Island
  Sugio, Koji (2021-03-23)
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Heritable effects on caste determination and colony-level sex allocation in termites under field conditions
  Takata, Mamoru; Nagai, Shuya; Inagaki, Tatsuya; Ohkubo, Yusaku; Tasaki, Eisuke; Matsuura, Kenji (2023-03)
  iScience, 26(3)
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The royal food of termites shows king and queen specificity
  Tasaki, Eisuke; Mitaka, Yuki; Takahashi, Yutaka; Waliullah, A S M; Tamannaa, Zinat; Sakamoto, Takumi; Islam, Ariful; Kamiya, Masaki; Sato, Tomohito; Aramaki, Shuhei; Kikushima, Kenji; Horikawa, Makoto; Nakamura, Katsumasa; Kahyo, Tomoaki; Takata, Mamoru; Setou, Mitsutoshi; Matsuura, Kenji (2023-07)
  PNAS Nexus, 2(7)
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第1章: ベトナム・ラオス・カンボジアにおける仏領期フランス語資料集成
  柳澤, 雅之 (2022-03-31)
  CIRAS Discussion Paper No.110 : 東南アジア大陸山地部の自然と農業資料集成 --仏領期インドシナ資料を中心に--, 110: 5-36
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