


検索結果表示: 93741-93750 / 110204.
  村山, 修一 (1973-07-01)
  史林, 56(4): 491-535
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  梶川, 伸一 (1984-09-01)
  史林, 67(5): 772-801
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<論説>リシュリューの戦争政策 : リシュリュー政権確立過程を中心として
  阿河, 雄二郎 (1973-07-01)
  史林, 56(4): 565-597
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  基督教学研究, 17
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Studies on the Green Tuff Formation in the Futamata Region nearby Toyoha Mine, Southwest Hokkaido, Japan : on Propylite and its Properties of Alteration, and its Geological Significance
  Yoshitani, Akihiko (1970-03-31)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of geology and mineralogy, 36(2): 87-178
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A Method of Topographical Correction upon the Intensity of Gravity and its Application to the Intensity of Vertical Gradient of Gravity
  Abe, Etsuo (1971-08-15)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of geology and mineralogy, 38(1): 135-153
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An Evaluation of Language Identification Methods Based on HMMs
  Nakagawa, Seiichi; Reyes, Allan A. (1994)
  音声科学研究, 28: 24-36
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Phoneme Recognition Improvement in Concatenated HMM Training
  Ariki, Yasuo; Doshita, Shuji (1993)
  音声科学研究, 27: 55-65
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Trias-Conodonten von Timor, Malaysien und Japan (Palaeontological Study of Portuguese Timor, 5)
  Nogami, Yasuo (1968-03-26)
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of geology and mineralogy, 34(2): 115-135
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  山下, 幸三郞 (1951-04-15)
  地球物理, 9(1): 1-18
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