


検索結果表示: 21-30 / 1047.
Quantum dimension as entanglement entropy in two dimensional conformal field theories
  He, Song; Numasawa, Tokiro; Takayanagi, Tadashi; Watanabe, Kento (2014-08-13)
  Physical Review D, 90(4)
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Observational signatures of the theories beyond Horndeski
  De Felice, Antonio; Koyama, Kazuya; Tsujikawa, Shinji (2015-05-28)
  Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(05)
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Cosmology with anisotropic galaxy clustering from the combination of power spectrum and bispectrum
  Song, Yong-Seon; Taruya, Atsushi; Oka, Akira (2015-08-03)
  Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015
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Multi-disformal invariance of non-linear primordial perturbations
  Watanabe, Yuki; Naruko, Atsushi; Sasaki, Misao (2015-08-07)
  EPL, 111(3)
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Cosmological disformal invariance
  Domènech, Guillem; Naruko, Atsushi; Sasaki, Misao (2015-10-01)
  Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2015(10): 067-067
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Anapole moment of a chiral molecule revisited
  Fukuyama, Takeshi; Momose, Takamasa; Nomura, Daisuke (2015-12)
  The European Physical Journal D, 69(12)
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Renormalization procedure for random tensor networks and the canonical tensor model
  Sasakura, Naoki; Sato, Yuki (2015-04-01)
  Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2015(4)
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Aligned spin neutron star-black hole mergers: A gravitational waveform amplitude model
  Pannarale, Francesco; Berti, Emanuele; Kyutoku, Koutarou; Lackey, Benjamin D.; Shibata, Masaru (2015-10-22)
  Physical Review D, 92(8)
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High resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulation of black hole-neutron star merger: Mass ejection and short gamma ray bursts
  Kiuchi, Kenta; Sekiguchi, Yuichiro; Kyutoku, Koutarou; Shibata, Masaru; Taniguchi, Keisuke; Wada, Tomohide (2015-09-22)
  Physical Review D, 92(6)
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YITP Annual Report, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University 2015
  YITP Annual Report, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, 2015: 1-83
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