


検索結果表示: 11-20 / 32.
Traffic Management by Informal Workers: Analyzing the Role of Tera Askebaris in Megenagna Terminal, Addis Ababa
  CHOI, Eunji (2020-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 59: 13-31
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Use of Multi-Layer Camera Trapping to Inventory Mammals in Rainforests in Southeast Cameroon
  HONGO, Shun; DZEFACK, Zeun's C.B.; VERNYUY, Latar N.; MINAMI, Sosuke; NAKASHIMA, Yoshihiro; DJIÉTO-LORDON, Champlain; YASUOKA, Hirokazu (2020-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 60: 21-37
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Diversity and Similarity Relating to Plant Knowledge among Baka Hunter-Gatherers in Southeast Cameroon
  HATTORI, Shiho (2020-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 60: 39-57
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Cover, Contents
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 59
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Introduction to This Special Topic "Reconsidering Local Knowledge and Beyond"
  KANEKO, Morie; SHIGETA, Masayoshi (2020-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 59: 1-9
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Diffusion of Cassava Detoxification in Africa: A Reconsideration of its Biocultural History
  Ankei, Takako (2023-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 61: 93-138
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Increase in Teff Consumption in Northern Ethiopia between the 16th and 18th Centuries and the Birth of Injera
  Ishikawa, Hiroki (2023-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 61: 7-40
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Subsistence Rice Cultivation and the Formation of a Diverse Rice-Eating Culture in the Rural Villages of Shifting Cultivators in Southern Tanzania
  Harako, Sota (2023-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 61: 65-91
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Cassava Commercialization and Reactions in Producing Areas: A Case Study in Rural Eastern Cameroon
  Shioya, Akiyo (2023-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 61: 139-164
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Cultivating in the Indigenous Way, Eating in the National Way: Changing Food and Identity among the Malo, Southwestern Ethiopia
  Fujimoto, Takeshi (2023-03)
  African Study Monographs. Supplementary Issue, 61: 41-63
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