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Yamasaki, Ryoya. Convergence Analysis of Mean Shift Type Algorithms. 2024
Tanaka, Hiroki. Analysis of Hierarchical Structure of Seismic Activity: Bayesian Approach to Forecasting Earthquakes
Hardik, Tankaria. The Utilization of Second-Order Information for Large-Scale Unconstrained Optimization Problems
黒田, 望. 産業部門を対象とした水害の経済影響評価に関する研究. 2024
Haris, Rahadianto. Improving Countermeasure Strategies against Volcanic Ash Risks due to Large Eruptions
Satomi, Watanabe. Random walk on uniform spanning tree and loop-erased random walk. 2024
Moriyasu, Ryuta. Methods for Machine Learning Assisted Reliable Control Design. 2024
Sachi, Natasha Edirisinghe. Design of moral interactions for service robots in public environments
Peng, Shaowen. Towards Effective and Efficient Personalized Recommendation from a Spectral Perspective
松木, 彰. 災害対応ガバナンス醸成のためのシミュレーション型プラットフォームの開発. 2024
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