



検索結果表示: 1-10 / 46.
Hybrid [5]Radialenes with Bispyrroloheteroles: New Electron-Donating Units.
  Higashino, Tomohiro; Imahori, Hiroshi (2015-08-04)
  Chemistry - A European Journal, 21(38): 13375-13381
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Structure and magnetic properties of flux grown single crystals of Co(3−x)FexSn(2)S(2) shandites
  Kassem, Mohamed A.; Tabata, Yoshikazu; Waki, Takeshi; Nakamura, Hiroyuki (2016-01)
  Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 233: 8-13
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Crystal structure and thermoelectric properties of chimney–ladder compounds in the Ru2Si3–Mn4Si7 pseudobinary system
  Okamoto, Norihiko L.; Koyama, Tatsuya; Kishida, Kyosuke; Tanaka, Katsushi; Inui, Haruyuki (2009-10)
  Acta Materialia, 57(17): 5036-5045
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Synthesis of spinel-type magnesium cobalt oxide and its electrical conductivity
  Kamioka, Natsumi; Ichitsubo, Tetsu; Uda, Tetsuya; Imashuku, Susumu; Taninouchi, Yu-ki; Matsubara, Eiichiro (2008)
Preparation and electrical properties of the novel TTP donors including the BETS unit
  Takahashi, K; Tanaka, K; Taniguchi, M; Misaki, Y; Tanaka, K; Mori, T (2001)
  SYNTHETIC METALS, 120(1-3): 955-956
Preparation and second-order nonlinear optical properties of CuCl nanocrystal-doped glass films
  Sasai, J; Tanaka, K; Hirao, K (2001)
  SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 44(8-9): 1225-1228
Structural properties of Fe-doped lanthanum gallate
  Mori, K; Fukunaga, T; Shibata, K; Iwase, K; Harjo, S; Hoshikawa, A; Itoh, K; Kamiyama, T; Ishigaki, T (2004)
  PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 352(1-4): 147-155
Wide and small angle X-ray scattering measurements for expanded fluid Se accompanying the semiconductor-metal and metal-nonmetal transition
  Inui, M.; Sato, K.; Mifune, K.; Matsuda, K.; Ishikawa, D.; Tamura, K. (2007)
  JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 353(32-40): 3371-3375
X-ray diffraction studies of fluid rubidium: From the liquid to a dense vapor
  Matsuda, Kazuhiro; Inui, Masanori; Kusakari, Misato; Tamura, Kozaburo (2007)
  JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 353(32-40): 3380-3383
X-ray diffraction measurement of liquid As2Se3 by using third-generation synchrotron radiation
  Kajihara, Y.; Inui, M.; Matsuda, K.; Tamura, K.; Hosokawa, S. (2007)
  JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 353(18-21): 1985-1989