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dc.contributor.author亀甲, 大ja
dc.contributor.alternativeKAMEKO, Hiroshien
dc.description.abstractFor the purpose of making fundamental experim e nts concerning the function of male sexual glands in urology, I carried on various experiments with male rats and the results obtained were as follows: (1) The atrophy of a c cessory sexual organs after bilateral castration was brought to completion in 10 days, being remarkable histologically, too. (2) In the case of unilateral castration, atrophy i n accessory sexual organs did not take place at all either in weight or histologically even at the time when atrophy, in the case of bilateral castration, should be completed. (3) In the case of partial excision ( 3/4) of the testicles, atrophy of accessory sexual organs occurred almost in the same way as in the case of bilateral castration, both in weight and histologically. This, ho w ever, may depend on the way of manipulation during the operation. (4) The minimum dose of Testosterone propionate for the prohibi t i on of atrophy in accessory sexual organs after castration, was 8 mg in total by 4 week method, administering 2 times a week and 1.0 mg at a time. (5) At the time when atrophy in accessory sexual organs after castration was completed, I dosed a large amount (50 mg in total) of Testosterone propionate in installments, which restored the atrophy. Depot-testosterone, too, could prohibit atrophy, (6) The minimum dose of Estradiol benzoate for the atrophy of accessory s exual organs suitable to the castration by female sex hormone was 0.02 mg in total by 10 day method. (7) I compared the efficacies of the 5 drugs of female sex hormone Ovahormon, Estradin B., Suron, Royal, and Estimon. The result was that assuming the efficacy of the former two as 1.0, that of Suron was 0.001, that of Rovel and Estimon 0.2. (8) In the prohibitive method of atrophy in accessory sexual organs af t e r castration, the action of the mixed hormone of both the sexes (Bisteron) reinforced that of Testosterone. (9) P. H. P., a synthetic pituitary-gland dipressant, exerted the atrophic action of accessory sexual organs and on the testicles, but in this case the atrophy of accessory sexual organs took place quickly and that of the testicles was delayed. Compared, however, with Estradiol benzoate, the atrophic action on sexual glands was weaker. (10) Honvan, a medicine for prostatic cancer, had the same atrophic action on accessory sexual organs as Estradiol benzoate, but its characteristic quality was that it did not bring about any decrease in the weight of the testicles and M. levator ani and besides atrophic action was stronger on accessory sexual organs than on the testicles. 11) In the case of testicular transplantation, the secretion of m ale hormone was continued for 10 days in autotransplantation only, while in homotransplantation degeneration seemed to take place earlier than that. (12) Even the hypophysectomy alon e caused a littie decrease of testicular weight and a remarkable atrophy of accessory sexual organs, but when 0.02 mg in total of Estradiol benzoate was dosed after the excision, both the weight of the testiclees and that of accessory sexual organs decreased by 1/2 in comparison with the case of the excision alone, which fact led me to imagine that Estradiol benzoate exerted a direct action on the testicles and accessory sexual organs. (13) Male hormone was administered after the hypophysectomy, but when it exceeded a certain amount the decrease of weight in the testicles and in accessory sexual organs was not observed, which fact seemed to tell that it acted acceleratively on intratubularen
dc.publisher.alternativeDepartment of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto Univeersityen
dc.title.alternativeInvestigation on the Effects of Castration, Sex Hormone Administration and Hypophysectomy on the Mal e Sexual Glands (Studies on the Male Sexual Glands-3)en
dc.typedepartmental bulletin paper-
dc.type.niitypeDepartmental Bulletin Paper-
dc.address.alternativethe Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima Universit, y Kagoshimaen
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeActa urologicala
dc.identifier.jtitle-alternativeHinyokika Kiyoen
出現コレクション:Vol.5 No.9


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