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タイトル: 尿路性器障碍の尿中17-KSに関する研究 第2編: 除睾家兎の尿中17-KSに対する各種薬剤の影響
その他のタイトル: Studies on the 17-KS in Urine of Urogenital Disturbances II : Influence of Medicament upon Urinary 17-KS in Castrated Rabbits
著者: 吉田, 秀政  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YOSHIDA, Hidemasa
発行日: Oct-1960
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 6
号: 10
開始ページ: 914
終了ページ: 925
抄録: Urinary 17-KS output has been estimated on t h e normal ripe male white rabbits to whom orchidectomy, adrenalectomy, or ligation of the spermduct has been performed, and on the castrated rabbits to whom adrenalectomy has been performed, and on the castrated adrenalectomized rabbits to whom nephrectomy has been performed. Furthermore, daily observations of the influences of the various adrenal activaters, male sex hormone, and other drugs upon urinary 17-KS have been carried out. 1) Urinary 17-KS output of the normal ripe male white rabbi t s was average 1.97± 0.66 mg/48hrs ranging between 0.84 and 3.18 mg/48hrs. 2) Urinary 17-KS output was slightly de c reased by unilateral orchidectomy and was markedly decreased by bilateral orchidectomy. However, it was rather increased in few cases comparing with the pre-castrated level. 3) Urinary 17-KS was decreased to 6 0 per cent of the precastrated level by bilateral orchidectomy. This fact leads us to consider that three-fifth of urinary 17-KS output may be a function of the adrenal and two-fifth of that may be a function of the testicle. 4) Urinary 17-KS was slightly decreased by ligation of the spermduct. 5) Urinary 17-KS was markedly decreased by adrenalectomy, especially this decrease was remarkable if adrenalectomy was done after castration. 6) In the rabbits to whom right nephrectomy was done after adrenalectomy of the same side, urinary 17-KS was twics as much as that of nephrectomy at the 4th day after nephrectomy and there after it was decreased. 7) Changes in urinary 17-KS was investigated on the castrated rabbits after administration of the various drugs. i) Adrenal activaters : Urinary 17-KS was slightly decreased transiently right after administration of PaA, but it was soon increased and was decreased again as terminating the drug, though the output was still more than that before the administration. ATP increased urinary 17-KS rapidly though its decrease in the output was also rapid. Prae-hormon and GL slowly increased urinary 17-KS and also it was slowly decreased as terminating the drug. No change in urinary 17-KS was observed by single adminis tration of 40 units of ACTH. As far as urinary 17-KS output was concerned, the effect of adrenal activation was observed as the following order, PaA, ATP, Prae-hormon, and ACTH, and the duration was the following order, PaA, Prae-hormon, ATP, GL and ACTH. ii) Male sex hormones (Durotest, Testosterone): Urinary 17-KS was transi e ntly decreased right after administration of male sex hormones, but soon it came back to the control level. Durotesi rather increased urinary 17-KS and it was further increased after a month at which time second administration was done. iii) Urinary 17-KS was decreased by cortisone and o v ahormon.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112028
出現コレクション:Vol.6 No.10


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