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タイトル: 泌尿器科領域におけるポーラログラフ的研究 第2篇: 泌尿生殖器系疾患のポーラログラフ蛋白波の成績について (その3)Protein-lndexの成績及び癌組織抽出液の蛋白波の成績 (付)第V法(60%メタノール法の批判)
その他のタイトル: Polarographic Studies on the Diseases of Urogenital Organs Report 2 : The Experimental Results of Polarographic-Protein-Wave in the Various pathological Condition of Urogenital Organs Part 3 : The Polarographically Determined "Protein Index" and Extract of Cancer Tissue (Appendix) Comments on the Sato's 60% Methanol Method
著者: 林, 法信  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HAYASHI, Norinobu
発行日: Dec-1960
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 6
号: 12
開始ページ: 1137
終了ページ: 1145
抄録: 1) The protein indices of the first wave, the secon d wave and the middle value were calculated from the experimental results of polarographic protein waves on 109 patients with various urogenital diseases. Positive value of the protein indices were higher in the order of the first wave, the second wave and the middle value, and they were found over fifty percent in the first wave: renal tumor (100%), nephrosis (100%), cancer of the bladder (67%), urinary tract papillomatosis (67%), prostatic hyperplasia (50%), nephrolithiasis (50%) and hydronephrosis (50%). The mean value of each disease group was higher in the following order: E, A, D, C, B and control group, and all of these disease groups seemed to have a tendency to be higher than normal individual. Moreover, their protein indices indicated some abnormalities of serum protein in pathological condition, but it was very difficult to recognize the usefulness of this method for the differential diagnosis of cancer. 2) The polarographic protein wave s of extracts of cancer tissues were determined by means of five kinds of methods, and the difference and corelation between hose waves and serum protein waves were described. From the results of them, it was ascertained that the third method was clinically most useful. 3) After Sato's 60% methanol method was tested and examined on the relationship bet ween the time from filtration to determination of the protein waves and the wave height, it has been indicated that the results from this method is inaccurate probably due to the lack of regulation on time.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112061
出現コレクション:Vol.6 No.12


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