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タイトル: 前立腺亜鉛代謝に関する実験的研究 第2編: 亜鉛試薬の影響について
その他のタイトル: Experimental Studies on Zinc Metabolism in the Prostatic Gland. Part II : On the Effects of Zinc Reagents.
著者: 平山, 多秋  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HIRAYAMA, Masaaki
キーワード: Alloxan
Edetic Acid
Indicators and Reagents
Nitroso Compounds
Zinc Isotopes
発行日: Sep-1964
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 10
号: 9
開始ページ: 571
終了ページ: 583
抄録: Six different reagents which relate to the zinc metabolism were given to male adult rats. They included Alloxan, Dithizone, Oxine, Nitroso-R Salt (which gives abnormal carbohydrate metabolism through zinc metabolism), BAL, and EDTA-Ca (which gives alteration in zinc metabolism through enzymatic system). Studies were carried out on blood sugar, pancreatic uptake rate of 65Zn, weight and 65Zn uptake rate of the dorso-lateral lobe of the prostatic gland, and histochemical staining of zinc. The results obtained are as follows. 1) A significant correlation between increase of blood sugar and d e crease of pancreatic 65Zn uptake rate was demonstrated , whereas no correlation was found between bl ood sugar and 65Zn uptake rate of the dorso-lateral lobe of the prostatic gland. This means no noticeable effect of systemic abnormality of carbohydrate metabolism (especially Alloxan diabetes) on zinc metabolism of the dorso-lateral lobe of the prostatic gland within 10 days. 2) The 65Zn uptake rate in the dorso-lateral lobe of the prostate w a s supressed with administration of Dithizone, Oxine and N. R. S., of which effect was largest with Dithizone and smallest with N. R. S.. In addition, histological alteration was seen after Dithizone treatment while the other two reagents produced no such changes. Alloxan, EDTA-Ca and BAL showed no effect on uptake rate of 65Zn and histological apperance of the dorso-lateral lobe. This suggests us that activated zinc in the dorso-lateral lobe is not con cerned with the enzymes which impeded by administration of EDTA-Ca or BAL. 3) It was illustrated that Dithizone gives destructive effect t o adenoepithelial cells of the dorso-lateral lobe of the prostatic gland through zinc metabolism. Namely after administration of Dithizone, desquamation of epithelium is seen in 2 days, which became to fill the glandular space in 3 or 4 days. Subsequently necrotic process of the gland and cellular infiltration took place. 4) Histoch e mical staining demonstrated disapperance or decrease of zinc after administration of Alloxan, Dithizone, Oxine and N. R. S.. A diffuse decrease of zinc was seen with Alloxan, Oxine, and N. R. S. while, with Dithizone, initial localized existence of zinc in epithelial cells and glandular space followed by complete disappearance was seen.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112606
PubMed ID: 14227896
出現コレクション:Vol.10 No.9


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