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タイトル: 上部尿路感染に関する2,3の統計的研究 1.尿路の戚染菌ならびにその抗生物質に対する感受性について
その他のタイトル: Some statistical studies on upper urinary tract infections. I. Infectious organisms and their sensitivity to antibiotica in upper urinary tract infections
著者: 岡, 直友  KAKEN_name
長谷川, 進  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: OKA, Naotomo
キーワード: Anti-Bacterial Agents
Drug Resistance, Microbial
Urinary Tract Infections/microbiology
発行日: Jun-1966
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 12
号: 6
開始ページ: 521
終了ページ: 534
抄録: In 416 strains cultivated from 377 cases of urinary tract infections during a recent three and a half years period from 1957 to June 1960, distribution of infectious organ isms and their sensitivity to antibiotica were studied. These cases consist of 20 case s of urethritis, 191 cystitis, 80 upper urinary tract infections, and 86 others. Distribution of the bacteria for each disease group is t a b ulated in Table 1. As a whole, E. coli was found in 27.4 per cent of the strains, Staphylococci in 20 per cent, and Pseudomonas even so much as 13.2 per cent. While in acute cystitis E. coli (45.5 %) was the major organism and Staphylococcus (14.6 %) was the second one, in chronic cystitis S taphylococcus (24.4 %) was more numerous than E. coli (18.9 %). Pseudomonas appear ed in as many as 20 per cent of the strains. Moreover, in upper urinary tract i nfections Proteus (11.2 %) has increased. As shown in Table 2, in cystitis Staphylococc us was more numerous than E. coli in the male, while in the female the contrary was the ca se. Sensitivity to each antibioticum was studied by means of the disc method. The re s u lts are tabulated in Table 3 to 10. Many of the Staphylococci were sensitive to many kinds of antibiotica, contrary to expectations held up till now. As for the sensitivity of E. coli, it conformed with currently held expectations (moderately sensitive). Proteus and P seudomonas were the most resistant strains. Microbes, generally speaking, have become less sensitive in chronic and in upper urinary tract infections than in acute and lower urina ry tract infections. As instances, the alteration in sensitivity to Kanamycin and Tetrac ycline in the course of treatment are tabulated in Table 11 and 12. Lack of correspondence in some of the cases, as poin t e d out by many authors, between the sensitivity of the microbes (as determined by the disc test) with the clini cal effectiveness, was proven true also in our studies, which are shown in Table 13 an d 14.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112977
PubMed ID: 6006912
出現コレクション:Vol.12 No.6


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