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タイトル: | 進行性に増大した無症候性副腎血腫の1例 |
その他のタイトル: | A case of asymptomatic adrenal hematoma which progressively enlarged during follow-up |
著者: | 細野, 俊介 藤井, 靖久 山下, 智子 岡田, 洋平 兵地, 信彦 竹下, 英毅 田中, 将樹 矢野, 雅隆 影山, 幸雄 木原, 和徳 |
著者名の別形: | Hosono, Shunsuke Fujii, Yasuhisa Yamashita, Tomoko Okada, Yohei Hyochi, Nobuhiko Takeshita, Hideki Tanaka, Masaki Yano, Masataka Kageyama, Ykio Kihara, Kazunori |
キーワード: | Adrenal hematoma Aspirin |
発行日: | Sep-2004 |
出版者: | 泌尿器科紀要刊行会 |
誌名: | 泌尿器科紀要 |
巻: | 50 |
号: | 9 |
開始ページ: | 617 |
終了ページ: | 620 |
抄録: | 66歳女.腹部CTで左副腎に65mm大で辺縁整, 類円形の腫瘤を認め, 腫瘤の中心部・辺縁部に造影効果がみられた.又, 一部に石灰化がみられた.腹部MRIでは, T1強調画像にて腫瘤腹側に低信号, 腫瘤背側に高信号を示し, T2強調画像にて不均一な高信号を示し, 増大傾向を示した.内分泌非活性腺腫が疑われ, 経腹式右副腎摘除術を施行した.摘出標本は大きさ60×55×40mm, 85g, 表面平滑な腫瘤であり, 割面は中央部で黄色~淡褐色, 周辺部では暗褐色を呈した.又, 一部に石灰化, 小嚢胞を認めた.術後経過良好にて術後7日目に退院した We report a case of asymptomatic adrenal hematoma that enlarged during a 3-year follow-up. A 66-year-old woman exhibited a 4 cm right adrenal mass, incidentally discovered by computed tomography of abdomen, which progressively enlarged to 6 cm in diameter during the 3 years. The patient underwent right adrenalectomy with a diagnosis of a suspected non-functional adrenal tumor. Histopathological examination indicated adrenal hematoma without tumor cells. The patient had received aspirin medication for 4 years, and it is possible that the enlargement of the mass might have been due to aspirin medication. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/2433/113451 |
PubMed ID: | 15518126 |
出現コレクション: | Vol.50 No.9 |