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タイトル: 自然破裂した腎血管筋脂肪腫の1例
その他のタイトル: Spontaneous rupture of renal angiomyolipoma : a case report
著者: 東郷, 容和  KAKEN_name
橋本, 貴彦  KAKEN_name
安田, 和生  KAKEN_name
樋口, 喜英  KAKEN_name
丸山, 琢雄  KAKEN_name
山本, 新吾  KAKEN_name
近藤, 宣幸  KAKEN_name
野島, 道生  KAKEN_name
滝内, 秀和  KAKEN_name
森, 義則  KAKEN_name
廣田, 誠一  KAKEN_name
島, 博基  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Togo, Yoshikazu
Hashimoto, Takahiko
Yasuda, Kazuo
Higuchi, Yoshihide
Maruyama, Takuo
Yamamoto, Shingo
Kondo, Nobuyuki
Nojima, Michio
Takiuchi, Hidekazu
Mori, Yoshinori
Hirota, Seiichi
Shima, Hiroki
キーワード: Angiomyolipoma
Spontaneous rupture
Transcatheter arterial embolization
発行日: Dec-2005
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 51
号: 12
開始ページ: 797
終了ページ: 799
抄録: 55歳女性.患者は突然の右側腹部痛を主訴に近医を受診, 腹部CTにて右腎血腫が疑われ, 著者らの施設へ紹介入院となった.入院時の腹部CTにて腎血管脂肪腫の自然破裂と診断し, 右腎動脈造影にて腎下極末梢の小動脈瘤を確認後, 腫瘍塞栓術を行った.しかし, 第3病日目には4単位の輸血にもかかわらず, 貧血の急速な進行と右胸水貯留, 呼吸状態の悪化を認めたため, 緊急手術を施行した.手術所見では腎下極から腎外に発育する腫瘍の破裂を認め, Gerota筋膜内には血腫の貯留がみられたため, 右腎摘除術を行ったところ, 良好な術後経過が得られた
A 55-year-old woman presented with sudden right lower abdominal pain. Computed tomography demonstrated retroperitoneal hematoma associated with minus-density area, diagnosed as spontaneous rupture of angiomyolipoma. Super-selective transarterial embolization was performed, but anemia and right abdominal pain became worse in spite of conservative therapy including transfusion, indicating re-rupture of the renal tumor. Although partial nephrectomy was planned, right nephrectomy was finally performed because of massive intraoperative bleeding. Accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment are required when life-threatening rupture of renal tumor is suspected.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/113748
PubMed ID: 16440726
出現コレクション:Vol.51 No.12


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