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タイトル: 腎摘除術あるいはInterferon-α投与による腎癌患者の末梢血リンパ球サブセットの変動
その他のタイトル: Effects of nephrectomy and interferon administration on immunological parameters in patients with renal cell carcinoma
著者: 有馬, 公伸  KAKEN_name
柳川, 眞  KAKEN_name
杉村, 芳樹  KAKEN_name
栃木, 宏水  KAKEN_name
川村, 寿一  KAKEN_name
斎藤, 薫  KAKEN_name
山崎, 義久  KAKEN_name
森, 脩  KAKEN_name
大本, 安一  KAKEN_name
中川, 雅照  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Arima, Kiminobu
Yanagawa, Makoto
Sugimura, Yoshiki
Tochigi, Hiromi
Kawamura, Juichi
Saitoh, Kaoru
Yamazaki, Yoshihisa
Mori, Osamu
Oomoto, Yasuichi
Nakagawa, Masateru
キーワード: Renal cell carcinoma
PBL subset
発行日: Jun-1994
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 40
号: 6
開始ページ: 469
終了ページ: 474
抄録: 対象は転移を有しIFN-αを投与した16名, 転移はなくIFN-αを投与した16名, 転移はなく, IFN-α非投与の25名の腎癌である。腎摘後およびIFN-α投与後にNK細胞比率は低下する傾向を認めた。IFN-α投与後, CD 4陽性細胞比率が有意に上昇を示し活性化CD 4陽性細胞比率とCD 4陽性細胞比率/CD 8陽性細胞比率はやや上昇傾向をみた。CD 8陽性細胞比率と活性化CD 8陽性細胞比率は特に変化を認めなかった。IFN-α投与とCD 4陽性細胞比率の変化の関連を認めた
To study the changes in the subsets of peripheral blood lymphocytes before and after nephrectomy and interferon (IFN) therapy, 57 patients with renal cell carcinoma were divided into three groups; one group consisted of 16 patients with metastasis who had been administered IFN-alpha, one group consisted of 16 patients without metastasis who had been administered IFN-alpha, and the other consisted of 25 patients without metastasis who had not been administered IFN-alpha. Immunological parameters such as percentages of NK (Leu-11+ [Leu-7-) cells, percentages of activated CD4 (Leu-3a+ HLA-DR+) positive cells and percentages of activated CD8 (Leu-2a+ HLA-DR+) positive cells were examined by two color flow cytometry and the percentages of CD4 (Leu-3a+) positive cells, percentages of CD8 (Leu-2a+) positive cells values and the ratio of percentages of CD4 positive cells/percentages of CD8 positive cells were evaluated. The percentages of NK cells showed a tendency to decrease after nephrectomy and the administration of IFN-alpha. The percentage of CD4 positive cells showed a significant increase after the administration of IFN-alpha. The percentage of activated CD4 positive cells and the ratio of percentage of CD4 positive cells/percentage of CD8 positive cells showed a tendency to increase slightly. The percentage of CD8 positive cells and percentage of activated CD8 positive cells showed no particular changes. There was a specific correlation between the administration of IFN-alpha and the changes of percentage of CD4-positive cells and this suggests that the administration of IFN-alpha led to the increase of helper T cells.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115295
PubMed ID: 8073952
出現コレクション:Vol.40 No.6


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