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タイトル: 沢瀉および夏枯草のラットにおける蓚酸カルシウム結石形成に対する作用
その他のタイトル: The effect of takusha and kagosou on calcium oxalate renal stones in rats
著者: 山口, 誓司  KAKEN_name
劉, 繼紅  KAKEN_name
宇都宮, 正登  KAKEN_name
吉岡, 俊昭  KAKEN_name
奥山, 明彦  KAKEN_name
小出, 卓生  KAKEN_name
杉山, 清  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Yamaguchi, Seiji
Lui, Jihong
Utsunomiya, Masato
Yoshioka, Toshiaki
Okuyama, Akihiko
Koide, Takuo
Sugiyama, Kiyoshi
キーワード: Kampo medicine
Calcium oxalate stone
発行日: Jun-1995
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 41
号: 6
開始ページ: 427
終了ページ: 431
抄録: 1)ラットを用いた蓚酸カルシウム結石実験モデルを用いて猪苓湯の成分である沢瀉を投与し, 結石形成抑制作用があることが認められた. 2)in vitroの実験系で強い抑制作用を認めた夏枯草は, このラット結石実験モデルにおいては結石形成の抑制作用はなかった. 3)沢瀉は蓚酸, およびカルシウム代謝に影響を与えることなく, ラット結石実験モデルにおいて結石形成抑制作用を示した
We examined the inhibitory effect of the two Kampo medicines, takusha and kagosou on the formation of calcium oxalate renal stones induced by ethylene glycol (EG) and 1 alpha(OH)D3 (1 alpha-D3) in rats. Wistar strain rats were divided into 4 groups (A: normal control, B: stone, C: kagosou, D: takusya). There was no significant difference in urinary calcium excretion or oxalate excretion between the stone group and kampo medicine groups. The calcium content of the kidneys was significantly lower in the takusha group than in the other two groups (Stone group and kagosou group). Takusha was effective in preventing oxalate stone formation in rats. Kagosou, which had strong inhibitory effect on calcium oxalate crystal growth and aggregation in vitro as well as takusha, was not effective against in vivo calcium oxalate stone formation in rats. These findings suggest that takusha prevents the formation of calcium oxalate stone by inhibiting calcium oxalate crystal growth and aggregation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115521
PubMed ID: 7645450
出現コレクション:Vol.41 No.6


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