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タイトル: 親水性銀コーティングフォーリーカテーテル(ルブリキャス)の使用経験
その他のタイトル: Clinical study of Silver Lubricath Foley catheter
著者: 仲田, 浄治郎  KAKEN_name
川原, 元  KAKEN_name
小野寺, 昭一  KAKEN_name
大石, 幸彦  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NAKADA, Jojiro
ONODERA, Shoichi
OISHI, Yukihiko
キーワード: Indwelling catheter
Scanning electron microscope
発行日: Jun-1996
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 42
号: 6
開始ページ: 433
終了ページ: 438
抄録: カテーテル留置に伴うquality of lifeに関するアンケート調査では, シルバーカテーテルはシリコンカテーテルよりも好評であった.長期間カテーテルを留置し, 既に尿細菌培養で陽性例が多かった為, カテーテル使用後ではシルバーカテーテルとシリコンカテーテルで尿の細菌培養に差はみられなかった.走査電子顕微鏡像では, カテーテルの外面でシルバーカテーテルの方がシリコンカテーテルよりも細菌の付着が少なかった.特に副作用はみられずシルバーカテーテルは有用なカテーテルと思われた
We evaluated the Silver Lubricath Foley Catheter (silver catheter) coated with silver and hydrogel developed to prevent urinary infection, in comparison with the silicone-coated catheter (silicone catheter). Twelve patients ranging from 71 to 95 years of age (median age, 82 years) were catheterized and the 16 of 18F catheter was replaced every 2 weeks. They answered a questionnaire which included inquiry about the treatment with urinary catheter. Because of less leakage and discomfort to the urethra, the silver catheter had advantages over the silicone catheter. The risk of bacteriuria after 14 days of catheterization was not significantly different between the two types of catheter. Scanning electron microscopic analysis revealed that bacterial biofilm developed on the inner surface of both catheters after 14 days of catheterization. On the other hand, the amount of bacterial biofilm on the outer surface of a silver catheter was less than that on the outer surface of a silicone catheter.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115749
PubMed ID: 8741298
出現コレクション:Vol.42 No.6


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