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タイトル: 副睾丸Papillarycystadenomaの1例
その他のタイトル: A case of papillary cystadenoma of epididymis
著者: 三宅, 修  KAKEN_name
細見, 昌弘  KAKEN_name
松宮, 清美  KAKEN_name
岡, 聖次  KAKEN_name
高羽, 津  KAKEN_name
倉田, 明彦  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MIYAKE, Osamu
HOSOMI, Masahiro
OKA, Toshitsugu
TAKAHA, Minato
KURATA, Akihiko
キーワード: Epididymal tumor
Papillary cystadenoma
von Hippel-Lindau's disease
発行日: Jan-1989
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 35
号: 1
開始ページ: 137
終了ページ: 140
抄録: We present a case of papillary cystadenoma of the right epididymis in a 52-year-old man. He visited our hospital complaining of painless mass in his right scrotum. This painless hard mass was palpable at the head of his right epididymis and was 1 cm in diameter. Right epididymectomy was performed. A histological examination revealed epithelial proliferation of ectatic efferent ducts and microcysts filled with papillary processes, and a diagnosis of papillary cystadenoma of the right epididymis was made. In Japan, our present case is the 12th of papillary cystadenoma of epididymis. We chiefly reviewed the clinical aspects of this disease, especially the relationship between this disease and von Hippel-Lindau's disease.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116392
PubMed ID: 2658508
出現コレクション:Vol.35 No.1


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