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タイトル: TUR-Pで発見された偶発前立腺癌
その他のタイトル: Incidental prostatic carcinoma obtained from the tissue by transurethral resection
著者: 増田, 光伸  KAKEN_name
石橋, 克夫  KAKEN_name
福岡, 洋  KAKEN_name
坂西, 晴三  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MASUDA, Mitsunobu
FUKUOKA, Hiroshi
キーワード: Incidental prostatic carcinoma
Transurethral resection
発行日: Mar-1989
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 35
号: 3
開始ページ: 403
終了ページ: 407
抄録: 1) 1982年1月より6年5ヵ月間に, 前立腺肥大症の診断で461例のTUR-Pを行い, 38例に偶発前立腺癌を発見した.2) INF αは, 切除切片数に対する腫瘍切片数の比が, 5%以下の群のみに見られ, 腫瘍切片数の比の上昇とともにINF γを示す症例の割合が増加した.3)腫瘍切片数の増加に伴い高分化および中分化腺癌の症例が減少し, 逆に11切片以上の症例の70%以上が低分化腺癌であった.4) TUR-P後に発見される偶発前立腺癌におけるstage A1とstage A2の診断基準の早急な確立が必要である.また, このことはTUR-P後の偶発前立腺癌に対する治療の選択および予後を推測する上で重要と思われる
Between January, 1982 and May, 1988, transurethral resection of the prostatic gland diagnosed as clinically benign prostatic hypertrophy was performed on 461 patients at Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital. Thirty-eight cases of incidental carcinoma (8.2%) were found by histopathological examination. The patients with well and moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma decreased in proportion to the increase in the number of the tumor chips. Of the 10 patients with more than 11 tumor chips, 7 patients (70%) had histologically poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. The cases of INF alpha were only found in the group with the ratio of tumor chips to examined chips of less than 5%. The ratio of the cases of INF gamma increased with the increase in the ratio of tumor chips. Uniform substaging criteria of incidental prostatic carcinoma (stage A) obtained from the tissue by transurethral resection should be established.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116476
PubMed ID: 2472051
出現コレクション:Vol.35 No.3


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