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タイトル: Human Papillomavirus-11型が検出された高度異型上皮を伴う尿道コンジローマの1例
その他のタイトル: Urethral condyloma acuminatum with severe dysplasia in a male patient detected human papillomavirus type 11: a case report
著者: 古畑, 誠之  KAKEN_name
藤本, 恭士  KAKEN_name
貫井, 文彦  KAKEN_name
永田, 幹男  KAKEN_name
岡本, 重禮  KAKEN_name
熊坂, 利夫  KAKEN_name
斎木, 茂樹  KAKEN_name
佐多, 徹太郎  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Furuhata, Masayuki
Fujimoto, Yasushi
Nukui, Fumihiko
Nagata, Mikio
Okamoto, Shigehiro
Kumasaka, Toshio
Saiki, Shigeki
Sata, Tetsutaro
キーワード: Urethral severe dysplasia
Condyloma acuminatum
HPV type 11
発行日: Sep-1993
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 39
号: 9
開始ページ: 857
終了ページ: 861
抄録: We report a case of urethral condyloma acuminatum with severe dysplasia detected human papillomavirus (HPV) type 11. A 47-year-old male patient visited St. Luke's International Hospital complaining of tumor at the urethral meatus. One small papillary lesion was found and excised. Histopathological examination revealed condyloma acuminatum with severe dysplasia. Immunohistochemical detection for HPV antigen in the specimen of condyloma acuminatum was positive and that of severe dysplasia was negative. In an electron microscopical study, viral particles were demonstrated only in the specimen of condyloma acuminatum. Detection of HPV DNA was performed using in situ hybridization (ISH) and southern blot hybridization (SBH). HPV type 11 was found in both lesions. In conclusion, although previous studies have shown that HPV type 16/18 was especially correlated with genital severe dysplasia and carcinoma, the process of malignant transformation was suggested in the association with HPV type 11.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117923
PubMed ID: 8213384
出現コレクション:Vol.39 No.9


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