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タイトル: 男子不妊症に対するプロスタグランディン合成酵素阻害剤の効果
その他のタイトル: The effects of prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor on male infertility
著者: 布施, 秀樹  KAKEN_name
皆川, 秀夫  KAKEN_name
伊藤, 晴夫  KAKEN_name
島崎, 淳  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: FUSE, Hideki
ITO, Haruo
キーワード: Male infertility
Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor
発行日: Oct-1984
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 30
号: 10
開始ページ: 1439
終了ページ: 1445
抄録: 不妊を主訴とする272人中特発性男子不妊症は164例で, うち無精子症を除き, 無作為に40例をえらび, 観察期間3ヵ月とし, フルルビプロフェン1日120 mg分3で投与した.2例は胃腸症状が強く, 投与を中止した.1)精液量は投与前後で差はなかった.2)精子濃度は投与後や, 増加傾向をみたが, 有意ではなかった.精子濃度10×106以上群では有効以上26.9%, 未満群では8.3%であった.投与3ヵ月後の精子運動率は増加傾向を示したが, 10×106/ml以上群23.1%, 未満群では25.0%が有効であった.3)血中LH, FSH値は本剤投与前後で差はなく, 血中テストステロン値は増加傾向を示した.4)本剤使用中1例のみに妊娠が成立した.5)副作用は4例に胃腸症状を1例に, 皮膚発疹を1例にみた
From August 1979 to August 1981, 272 patients with the chief complaints of sterility visited our University Hospital. Flurbiprofen was administered to 40 of the 164 cases of idiopathic male sterility. Flurbiprofen of 120 mg was administered daily for 3 consecutive months. Drug use was discontinued in 2 cases because of severe digestive symptoms. Semen findings were compared before and after the medication. In the cases with sperm concentration over 10 X 10(6)/ml, sperm concentration and motility were improved in 26.9% and 23.1%, respectively. In the cases with sperm concentration under 10 X 10(6)/ml, sperm concentration and motility were effective in 8.3% and 25.0%, respectively. LH and FSH levels in blood were not different between before and after the administration. On the other hand, testosterone level in blood tended to increase a little, but not with statistically significance. Digestive symptoms and skin eruption were found in 4 cases and one, respectively.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/118301
PubMed ID: 6441471
出現コレクション:Vol.30 No.10


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