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タイトル: マウス膀胱腫瘍(MBT-2)に対するCDDP投与と温熱療法併用効果の検討
その他のタイトル: Combination effects of CDDP and hyperthermia in mouse bladder tumor (MBT-2)
著者: 清水, 功基  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SHIMIZU, Koki
キーワード: CDDP
Mouse bladder tumor
Flow cytometry
発行日: Apr-1988
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 34
号: 4
開始ページ: 627
終了ページ: 632
抄録: MBT-2を用いてin vivoおよびin vitroでCDDP+温熱併用効果の基礎的検討を行った.MBT-2移植マウスを用いた動物実験では, CDDP+43°C温熱併用により著明な腫瘍増殖抑制効果がみられ, CDDPの効果が43°C温熱併用より増強すると考えられる.MBT-2培養細胞を用いたコロニー形成試験では, CDDP+温熱併用処理すると著しいコロニー形成抑制を示し, CDDPと温熱を併用すると細胞増殖抑制効果が増強すると考えられる.MBT-2培養細胞をCDDP+温熱併用処理するとCDDP単独処理に比し長時間のG2蓄積作用を示し, CDDPによって引き起こされるDNAの異常が温熱によってより増強されることが示唆される
The combination effects of CDDP and hyperthermia in mouse bladder tumor (MBT-2) were investigated both in vivo and in vitro. MBT-2 was transplanted into the hind leg of a C3H/He mouse. Then the leg was dipped in a hot water bath immediately after the intraperitoneal administration of CDDP. The antitumor effects were evaluated from tumor volume. The CDDP plus hyperthermia (43 degrees C) group showed remarkable tumor growth retardation. The in vitro colony forming assay showed that MBT-2 cultured cells treated with CDDP at 42 degrees C exhibited great colony forming inhibition in comparison with the CDDP alone cells. The effects of CDDP plus hyperthermia on the cell cycle progression of MBT-2 cultured cells were studied by using flow cytometry. The results showed that the cells treated with CDDP at 42 degrees C exhibited an accumulation of cells in the C2 phase for many hours as compared with the CDDP alone cells, indicating thermal enhancement of DNA damage in MBT-2 cultured cells treated with CDDP.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119543
PubMed ID: 3400547
出現コレクション:Vol.34 No.4


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