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タイトル: 女性尿失禁患者のQOLの評価 : King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ) とICIQ-SFを用いての検討
その他のタイトル: Assessments of Quality of Life in Women with Urinary Incontinence Using: King's Health Questionnaire and International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form
著者: 伊藤, 悠城  KAKEN_name
萩原, 正幸  KAKEN_name
古内, 徹  KAKEN_name
金井, 邦光  KAKEN_name
古平, 喜一郎  KAKEN_name
二宮, 彰治  KAKEN_name
中村, 聡  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ito, Hiroki
Hagiwara, Masayuki
Furuuchi, Toru
Kanai, Kunimitsu
Kodaira, Kiichiro
Ninomiya, Akiharu
Nakamura, So
キーワード: ICI Questionnaire-Short Form (ICIQ-SF)
King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ)
Urinary incontinence
発行日: May-2010
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 56
号: 5
開始ページ: 255
終了ページ: 259
抄録: The differences in quality of life (QOL) impairment due to urinary incontinence between elderly and younger women were evaluated using King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ) and International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form (ICIQ-SF). The subjects were 313 women who consulted the Women's Urinary Incontinence Clinic of Saiseikai Central Hospital between March, 2005 and January, 2008. They were divided into those below or above the cut-off age of 55, 60 or 65 years. The difference in QOL impairment was greatest when the cut-off age was 60 years. Similar comparisons were made by dividing the subjects into those aged 65-74 years and those aged 75 years and above, but no significant difference was noted in the score of any KHQ domain or ICIQ-SF between the two groups. The stress urinary incontinence occurred in younger women and caused the severest impairment. The response rate to KHQ in this study was low especially in the elderly, but that to ICIQ-SF was as high in the elderly as in younger age group. Social activities and lifestyle change around age 60 were considered to be associated with the change of QOL impairment in women with urinary incontinence. The stress urinary incontinence caused the severest impairment. KHQ was often difficult for the elderly to complete, but, ICIQ-SF seemed to be easy.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2011-06-01に公開
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/120327
PubMed ID: 20519922
出現コレクション:Vol.56 No.5


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