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Title: 睾丸類表皮嚢胞の1例
Other Titles: Epidermold cyst of the testis: report of a case
Authors: 小松, 洋輔  KAKEN_name
友吉, 唯夫  KAKEN_name
Author's alias: Komatsu, Yosuke
Tomoyoshi, Tadao
Keywords: Adolescent
Testicular Diseases/pathology
Issue Date: Mar-1970
Publisher: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
Journal title: 泌尿器科紀要
Volume: 16
Issue: 3
Start page: 117
End page: 120
Abstract: Epidermoid cyst found in the left testis of a 16-year-old boy was reported. The patient has been in the pediatric service because of albuminuria. He was asymptomatic and not aware of any mass in his testis. A mass in the testis was incidentally palpated on routine physical examination by us before IVP. He was transferred to the urological department for exploration of the left testis. On opening the scrotum, two nodules were palpated in the testis, and orchiectomy was performed because of possible malignancy. Histological examination showed epidermoid cyst.
PubMed ID: 5462620
Appears in Collections:Vol.16 No.3

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