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タイトル: Inequality and Sequence of Economic Liberalization and Democratization
著者: Mizuno, Nobuhiro
発行日: Apr-2009
出版者: Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
誌名: KIER Discussion Paper
巻: 673
抄録: Some recent empirical studies found positive effects of economic liberalization on democratization. Based on these findings, this paper explains why the sequence of economic liberalization and democratization is related to the effects of the two reforms on economic performance. Since economic liberalization increases the probability of democratization and democratization leads to income redistribution, in an economy with large inequality between the elite and the poor, the elite do not implement economic liberalization, and democratization occurs first. In such an economy, the effects of economic liberalization and democratization are lower because of distortions caused by large-scale income redistribution.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/129582
関連リンク: http://ideas.repec.org/p/kyo/wpaper/673.html
出現コレクション:KIER Discussion Paper (英文版)


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